Whether you are any individual, you have arisen income in taxable group in the past year, so you must proceed tax settlement before March 30, 2017

ESOS have solved many individual cases, particular in non-fixed income cases:

  • Freelance are MC, Interpreters, Designer ….
  • Freelance trainer works in short-term for business
  • Individual buys or sales real estate, stock….
  • Expats work in Vietnam
  • Actor, singer, …..
  • …..

You have arisen income, but you didn’t proceed PIT Tax Settlement causing be fined with a large amount of money by Tax Department because of some reasons below:

“I am freelance, partner which I have worked for, paid 10% of tax for me, so I didn’t need to proceed Tax Settlement ”

[ESOS] Although your partner paid 10% of tax for you, you must proceed PIT Tax Settlement. This process help to check your paid tax are correct or not

“I don’t work for any business, I don’t know how to proceed PIT Tax Settlement, and nobody ask me do it, so I don’t need to proceed PIT Tax Settlement”

[ESOS] Proceeding PIT Tax Settlement is concerned essential obligations that you must to know and comply

“I think Tax Department don’t know how much I earned per month”

[ESOS] Government manage and know clearly all contracts which you signed with your partner or client

If  you are in one of individual told above, your business has problem in process PIT Tax Settlement , subscribe to  the reduced subordinated background

Contact ESOS to be supported and consulted more

HOTLINE:  +84 946 940 753

Email: quyettoanthue@esos.vn

Website: www.esos.vn


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