If you are in need of establishing a company, need a business license to validate your current business, ESOS will support the selection of appropriate business forms, completing complex legal procedures quickly and economically.
ESOS provides Business License Registration Services (business license), business license changes, and besides, that is accounting, HR services, etc. ESOS is committed to meeting the needs of your business quickly and professionally after establishment.
Consultancy Services for establishing company - What does ESOS offer to clients?
- Consultation on naming companies;
- Select the appropriate head office address (For some industries must be consistent with the Urban Planning of the District, ...);
- Consulting on the business registration industry (Decision 27/2018 / TTG - Decision promulgating the Vietnamese economic system);
- Consulting on selecting company type;
- Consulting on the number of members or shareholders contributing capital;
- Consulting on the company's charter capital;
- Assist with the establishment register of a company in the Department of Planning and Investment of provinces and cities.
After receiving the business registration certificate, the following steps should be taken:
- Engrave the seal of the company;
- Press release to establish a business;
- Open a bank account for the company;
- Buy e-signatures (TOKEN);
- Initial tax declaration for the company;
- Apply for an order to print invoices or use electronic invoices.