Payroll is One of the tasks indispensable in your corporate, Manage it well make your employee happy with work and effort to contribute more to your business. Moreover, your business doesn't get any trouble with the authorities with a good payroll management system.Payroll management is like an iceberg. You can see that is a very...

Base on Clause 1st, Article 26th, Decree No. 115/2015/NĐ-CP passed on 11/11/2015 of Government detail in some of Social Insurance Law Article regulate about compulsory social insurance;Base on announcement no. 213/TB-NHNN on 03/07/2017 of The State Bank of Vietnam about announcing the average exchange rate on the interbank foreign currency market of VND against the...

The Payroll process is one of the essential tasks in all business to maintain operation work well. This process is simple, but not always right, if you are not careful, leading your corporation to a nightmare.Tips for creating a better payroll management processAlthough every business has different needs in their payroll, there are certain steps...

Kể từ ngày 1/7/2017 mức lương cơ sở đối với cán bộ, công chức, viên chức, lực lượng vũ trang (Không áp dụng cho lao động làm việc trong DN, tổ chức,…) tăng từ 1.210.000 đồng/tháng lên 1.300.000 đồng/tháng (Theo nghị định 47/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 24/4/2017) Các Doanh nghiệp áp dụng mức lương cơ sở 1.300.000...